Okey dokey, ESPN….what are you doing? 

What are you doing? 

This whole Rachel Nichols-Maria Taylor kerfuffle has actually been festering for an entire year. 

ESPN is only dealing with it now because the video of Nichols complaining about Taylor getting prominent work because she’s black was just leaked publicly. 

How could ESPN not nip this in a bud a year ago? 

It’s a clown show over there, it’s a Mardi Gras of morons. 

By the way, lost in all this — and I realize no one cares about journalistic standards any more — Nichols was seeking career counsel from a news source, a LeBron James advisor, which is a no-no back when there were still no-nos. 

But these days, ESPN is to journalistic integrity as Louis DeJoy is to postal service. 

So back to the Nichols-Taylor drama — everyone is piling on ESPN now, deservedly so, and just about everyone at ESPN looks like a schlemiel other than Mel Kiper Jr. 

How is THAT possible? 

Anyway, if ESPN is looking for more diversity hires, look no further: 

I am diversity on two feet — a left-handed Cuban-American with kidney stones and a China virus survivor. 

And I’m in the book — call me, Jimmy. 

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