Fortune cookie

Okay, remember when fortune cookies would tell fortunes? 

They stopped doing that for some reason – maybe it was a legal issue. 

Maybe someone would sue if the fortune said, “You will meet a tall and dark stranger this week” and it didn’t happen. 

I don’t know. 

But fortune cookies went from telling fortunes to worthless aphorisms like, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” or “The sun will always come up in the morning.” 

You know, some days the sun does NOT come up, trust me. 

Anyway, I am not here to complain about bad weather or climate change, I am here at this very moment to tell you about a fortune cookie that finally led to some good fortune. 

On the back of many fortune cookie fortunes these days, you get a set of lucky Chinese numbers. 

Well, a Florida man recently bought a Powerball ticket from a 7-Eleven in Huntersville, N.C., and for his lottery numbers, he copied the set of numbers from a fortune cookie that came with his Chinese takeout that day. 

That ticket ended up winning him a $500,000 Powerball prize. 

Now, THOSE are lucky numbers. 

According to UPI, Ernesto Sorzano says he will buy a house with his winnings. 

“That was a good investment,” he said of his shrimp and fried rice meal. 

However – and I believe this is very telling – he did not comment on whether the shrimp and fried rice itself was good. 

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