Alright, let’s deal with this Tim Tebow thing because he’s back again and he just won’t go away. 

On one hand, I am sympathetic to him – all he’s doing is chasing his dream. 

You’ve gotta respect that. 

It might be an improbable dream at this point, but why not? 

I’ve done the same thing in my life. 

I believe I could be an astronaut. 

I even went out and bought this NASA bag last year and went down to NASA headquarters and applied for the next space mission. 

I was rejected – it’s all politics, it’s all who you know. 

Okay, so you go, Tim, and you chase that dream. 

On the other hand, I am already sick of Skip Bayless again singing the praises of Tim Tebow and telling us he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. 

By the way, sliced bread is overrated – how hard is it to slice bread? 

Anyway, the good news for Tebow is that the Jacksonville Jaguars have no tight ends. 

The bad news is that he hasn’t played in the NFL since 2015. 

Now, I was a ballet dancer – back in the late 1980s… 

Harrisburg PA Ballet Troupe, small company; we played mostly Bar Mitzvah receptions. 

And I can tell you, when I took two years off from that, I was not the same ballerina on my return. 

So I don’t like Tebow’s chances. 

However, Jacksonville is probably the best spot for him. 

He’ll have the same coach he had in college at Florida, Urban Meyer. 

And he’ll have the same course load he had in college – no classes. 

Go get ‘em, Timmy! 

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