We talked earlier about how bowling should be an Olympic sport.
When I mentioned this on Twitter this week, my poker broadcasting partner Lon McEachern reminded me that tug of war once was an Olympic sport.
That’s right — tug of war.
It was a team event at the Summer Olympics from 1900 to 1920.
And each nation could enter more than one club, or team, so it was possible for a nation to win multiple medals.
In 1904, the USA swept all three medals.
In 1908, Great Britain won all three medals.
You know, this is where cultural stereotyping comes into play, unfairly —
I never look at the Brits and think ‘tug-of-war powerhouse.’
Anyway, each team has eight men, and you hads to pull your opponents six feet to win.
Now, I know a lot of you just think of tug of war as something you see at the county fair, but, frankly, it is a fundamental, strength-vs-strength, athletic competition.
Why shouldn’t it be an Olympic sport?
And — I don’t want to get all geopolitical and ambassadorial on you — but if we replaced actual war with tug of war anytime there were an international conflict, I think the world would be in a lot better shape.