
Let’s consider the amazing story of Phil Mickelson for a moment. 

At the start of last week’s PGA Championship, he was +130 to make the cut. 

That’s right – he was an underdog to get to the weekend. 

I had a poker buddy who put down $35 on Mickelson to win the PGA at 265 to 1 – that brought in a return of $9,200. 

FYI: This always happens to friends of mine, never to me. 

So at age 50, Phil Mickelson is being celebrated for being the oldest man to win a major. 

Hey, it’s just golf, and they don’t even carry their own clubs. 

Besides, since I turned 50, I’ve done a lot more than hole out a shot from a sand trap. 

I got an AARP card. 

I got Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 

I’ve had kidney stones, twice. 

I’ve had three colonoscopies. 

I had a pulmonary embolism. 

I acquired an enlarged prostate. 

I got COVID. 

And I bowled a 192 game. 

You think Phil Mickelson could bowl a 192 while holding a Yuengling in his right hand? 

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