Let’s talk about the Washington Football Team. 

They finally got rid of their racial-slur nickname before this season, and while they are deciding what their new nickname is – and I’m betting it’s NOT gonna be another racial slur, but you never know – they are simply known as the Washington Football Team, which rolls off the tongue like the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms. 

Yes, the Washington Football Team, which is okay, I guess. 

There’s the Washington Monument – never had a nickname. 

Washington Irving – never had a nickname. 

The Washington Post – never had a nickname. 

They’ve all done fine. 

But here’s the thing: 

The team announced this week that it likely will keep the Washington Football Team placeholder through 2021. 

And it suddenly occurred to me that they might be the Washington Football Team forever. 

See, their God-awful owner, Daniel Snyder, never wanted to change the nickname, in the first place. 

So I believe his master plan now is to stick with Washington Football Team until everyone who protested the old nickname dies off, and then he’ll return to that old nickname. 

Of course, then again, maybe it takes a really really really really really really really really really long time to think of a new nickname that isn’t a racial slur. 

Yeah, that could be it. 

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