
Broadcast Views: Everyone Sees a Slant

“Kill the ump!” they once shouted at baseball stadiums everywhere. “Kill the announcer!” they now shout in baseball living rooms everywhere.    When it comes to broadcasting the national pastime’s postseason, there’s a lot of anger out there.  Just ask Al Michaels, who begins another journey through the turbulent airwaves Saturday as ABC’s World Series …

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Baseball Broadcasters Seek to End Restrictions

     Major League Baseball broadcast rights holders, meeting here yesterday to discuss the movement of games from free to cable TV, will seek the elimination of broadcasting restrictions on Wednesday and Sunday nights in ESPN’s four-year contract with baseball to begin in 1990.       John Serrao, chairman of the board for the Association …

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King Just Reports What He Hears, And Then Ducks as Denials Pour In

     He reported that running back Joe Cribbs would return to the Buffalo Bills. Cribbs denied it.       He reported that the FBI was investigating the major league umpires union’s handling of its money. The umpires denied it.      He reported that the Sullivan family was interested in selling the New England …

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